VIP Club
Direct Booking Benefits
Signup for our VIP Club and receive the best rates to stay at Hawksbill Resort.
After signup you will receive a Promo Code by email to unlock the special rate. Offer applicable to stays over May to October only. Minimum 5 night stay required.

VIP Benefits
BEST RATE GUARANTEE: Receive Promo Code to unlock the best price available anywhere.
FREE AIRPORT SHUTTLE: Free transfer to and from the Airport on arrival & departure.
FREE MINI BAR: Complimentary in room mini bar which is restocked daily.
LOW DEPOSIT REQUIREMENT: Only 30% to confirm your booking. 50% and 100% required elsewhere.
WELLNESS DISCOUNT: 20% Discount on any Wellness Treatments you book.
PRIVATE DINNER DISCOUNT: 20% Discount if you book a private beach dinner during your stay.
VIP Club Signup Form
PLEASE NOTE: Discount and benefits are available ONLY if you eventually make a booking direct with the hotel or on this Website.