Direct Booking Benefits
Direct Booking Benefits
Direct Booking Benefits
Direct Booking Benefits
Direct Booking Benefits
Book direct for the best deal at Hawksbill Resort. As a thank you for booking directly with our Reservations team or here on our website, we will automatically apply the below value adds to your booking.
What You’ll Receive ↓

Best Rate Guarantee
If you find a lower rate on any other website, send a screenshot and we will match the rate less 5 USD per night, once verified by our Reservations Team.

Free Airport Shuttle
Free transfer to and from the Airport on arrival/departure.

Free Mini Bar
Complimentary in room mini bar which is restocked daily.

Low Deposit Requirement
Only 30% to confirm your booking. 50% and 100% required elsewhere.

Wellness Discounts
20% Discount on any Wellness Treatments you book during your stay.

Private Dinner Discount
20% Discount if you book a private romantic dinner during your stay.

Possible Room Upgrade
Free Room Upgrade Subject To Availability At The Time Of Your Arrival.
PLEASE NOTE: Membership and benefits are available ONLY if you eventually make a booking direct with the hotel on this site.